I have 23 years of experience working in comprehensive public high schools where I have served as principal, interim principal, assistant principal, and social studies teacher. My professional practice focused on developing literacy across the content areas, promoting critical thinking, and developing inclusive communities.
Additionally, I am in my sixth year at California State University, Bakersfield, where I have taught various courses in the Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, and Doctoral programs. I currently chair the Advanced Educational Studies department, serve on the Faculty Senate's Academic Affairs committee, and facilitate the Antelope Valley Curriculum Articulation Council.
I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, focusing on political resistance to educational reform efforts, specifically, the efforts of parents and educators to legalize opting out of state-mandated standardized tests. I have published in Educational Policy Analysis Archives, SOJO Journal of Educational Foundations, Educational Leadership and Administration, Teachers College Record, and Educational Administration Quarterly. I have also presented at national, state, and local conferences, including the American Educational Research Association, Critical Questions in Education, the University Council for Educational Administration, and both the California and Arizona Professors of Educational Administration.
My research interests explore the intersections of educational reform, politics, leadership, democratic schooling, and philosophy. I am currently working on a study of the implications of school gardens and accompanying culinary kitchens where students grow, prepare, and eat their own food for engaging and authentic learning.
I look forward to supporting you on your leadership journey!
- envelopemszolowicz@csub.edu
- buildingEducation