Explore Our Programs
What do you want to learn?

Bachelor's Degrees
100% online Bachelor's degree completion programs.
Master's Degrees
Online and in-person Master's degrees.
Professional Certificates
Certificates designed to help start and enhance careers.
Online Training
Career training offered through a third-party instruction provider, backed by CSUB.
Online Training
Credential Authorizations
Credential Authorizations in selected disciplines that earn academic credit.
University Courses
À la carte main campus courses in the fall, winter, spring, and summer.
ExploreNumbers That Matter
Students enroll in an Extended Education degree program, certificate, or individual course each year.6
Degree programs across a variety of subjects designed to help the adult learner start a new career or take the next step.30+
Featured certificate programs both in person and online, with hundreds more available via our partner learning platforms.The Drug and Alcohol Program prepared me not just for a job, but for a career. The program counselors, teachers, and instructors helped me every day. They are still with me. If I get lost, they keep me on track.

Lamar Mayes
Drug and Alcohol Studies Certificate Program Graduate
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