Dr. Hays received her Ph.D. in English Education from Arizona State University in 2017. Dr. Hays currently serves as an associate professor in the Teacher Education Department, Curriculum and Instruction (Master of Arts) program, and as affiliate Faculty for the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at California State University, Bakersfield. During her Ph.D work, Dr. Hays taught English composition at the college level. Prior to that, Dr. Hays taught high school English for 19 years in Arizona.
Her current research interests include young adult literature, youth participatory action research, culturally sustaining pedagogy, teacher education, and residency programs. Her book, Engaging Empathy and Activating Agency is centered on how teachers might use young adult literature to inspire pro-social behavior. She has also published articles in The Alan Review, Voices From the Middle, The Reading Teacher, and Journal of American Indian Education.
Additionally, she is the coordinator of the Kern High Teacher Residency program, as well as acting as the service-learning faculty liaison for CSUB. In her spare time, she adjudicates for winter guard and marching band shows.
- envelopeahays2@csub.edu
- buildingEducation