Dr. Wisman received his Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Organizational Development from the University of Louisville in 2017. Dr. Wisman currently serves as an assistant professor in the Educational Administration (Master of Arts) program, Curriculum and Instruction (Master of Arts) program, and as Core Faculty for the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at California State University, Bakersfield. Prior to this academic appointment, Dr. Wisman served schools and school districts identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) as an Education Recovery Specialist (i.e., consultant) with the Kentucky Department of Education. In addition, Dr. Wisman has also served as a high school biology teacher and department chair in public and private school contexts.
Dr. Wisman’s research interests include school diversity and academic achievement of marginalized students, diversity and equity policy, state-level education reform, leadership in high-minority/high-poverty contexts, and school turnaround. He has published several peer-reviewed empirical articles in academic journals such as Education and Urban Society, Educational Policy, Educational Administration Quarterly, The Journal of Negro Education, among others.
- enveloperwisman@csub.edu
- buildingEducation