Welcome to the Green Construction Conference and apprenticeship training resource. Compiled here are the 2023 Green Construction Conference recording and the Green Energy and Construction apprenticeship training videos.
Conference Background
The Green Construction Training and Green Valley Energy Conference was a collaborative effort by the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB) and California State University, Bakersfield to present topics related to green energy and construction. The Why Green Construction? Why Now? conference is fully funded by a grant from California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.
Working together, CSUB and FWIB hosted the Green Construction Conference in early 2023. The four-hour conference brought together current professionals in the field of green energy and construction to share insights, information, and predictions.
Additionally, CSUB organized local scholars and experts to create training videos for all levels of work experience and interest in green energy.Specifically, these videos were created for the FWIB apprenticeship program to support program completers in furthering their education and helping with future employment opportunities. The training videos range from 8 – 16 minutes and feature the latest energy trends and projected avenues of continued scholarship.
Green Conference
On February 16th, 2023, CSUB hosted the fully virtual “Why Green Construction? Why Now?” conference. Disclaimer: Captions are automatically created via recording software. There may be instances of incorrect or missing words.
Training Videos
As part of the Green Construction grant, CSUB is proud to present tutorial presentations from several experts in green energy and construction. The videos below cover a range of topics, from solar energy to building energy efficiency standards in California Title 24. Disclaimer: Captions are automatically created via recording software. There may be instances of incorrect or missing words.
Danny Ordiz – California Title 24
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) –
Building Standards Commission – California-Green-Building Standards-Code-CALGreen
Other References: Mass Wood Construction –
Displacement Ventilation –
Liaosha Song – Carbon Sequestration
Chadwick, A., Williams, G., Delepine, N., Clochard, V., Labat, K., Sturton, S., Buddensiek, M.L., Dillen, M., Nickel, M., Lima, A.L. and Arts, R., 2010. Quantitative analysis of time-lapse seismic monitoring data at the Sleipner CO2 storage operation. The Leading Edge, 29(2), pp.170-177.
Ziemkiewicz, P., Stauffer, P.H., Sullivan-Graham, J., Chu, S.P., Bourcier, W.L., Buscheck, T.A., Carr, T., Donovan, J., Jiao, Z., Lin, L. and Song, L., 2016. Opportunities for increasing CO2 storage in deep, saline formations by active reservoir management and treatment of extracted formation water: case study at the GreenGen IGCC facility, Tianjin, PR China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 54, pp.538-556.
Baker, S.E., Stolaroff, J.K., Peridas, G., Pang, S.H., Goldstein, H.M., Lucci, F.R., Li, W., Slessarev, E.W., Pett-Ridge, J., Ryerson, F.J. and Wagoner, J.L., 2020. Getting to neutral: Options for negative carbon emissions in California (No. LLNL-TR-796100). Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States); Negative Carbon Consulting, Half Moon Bay, CA (United States); Univ. of Calgary, AB (Canada); Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD (Australia); Univ. of California, Davis, CA (United States); Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA (United States); Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC (United States); Valence Strategic, Washington, DC (United States).……
Other works of interest:
Lackner, K.S., 2003. A guide to CO2 sequestration. Science, 300(5626), pp.1677-1678.
Shukla, R., Ranjith, P., Haque, A. and Choi, X., 2010. A review of studies on CO2 sequestration and caprock integrity. Fuel, 89(10), pp.2651-2664.
Benson, S.M. and Cole, D.R., 2008. CO2 sequestration in deep sedimentary formations. Elements, 4(5), pp.325-331.
Kaven, J.O., Hickman, S.H., McGarr, A.F. and Ellsworth, W.L., 2015. Surface monitoring of microseismicity at the Decatur, Illinois, CO2 sequestration demonstration site. Seismological Research Letters, 86(4), pp.1096-1101.
Saeed Jafarzadeh – Emerging Solar Technologies
Saeed Jafarzadeh – Energy Storage Systems
Thank You
Thank you to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board, the California Climate Invest
ments program, Valley Build, and the staff at CSUB Extended Education for its time and financial commitment to this important project. If you have any feedback or questions regarding this program, please let us know by emailing